AAC Implementation

Beyond Yes and No

Vicki Clarke
April 26, 2023

Beyond Yes and No

Vicki Clarke
April 26, 2023

It’s very easy to get caught in the habit of asking questions that only require a “yes” or “no” response when you are talking to your student using AAC. Why?

Let's take a look at another way to get those questions answered!

We want our students to be successful and while we are both learning an AAC system, we may not be sure our student knows how to locate more specific answers on their system. Additionally, we might not be sure WE know enough to help them find the words.

But, open ended questions are POWERFUL!

  • Authentic, self-determined responses
  • Opportunities for vocabulary development
  • Fewer inaccurate responses
  • Decreased cognitive challenges

Instead of...Try This!

Is it a cow? .... What do you see?

Are they eating? .... What are they doing?

Do you want a cookie? .... What do you want?

Plan ahead!

Does your student use AAC?

  • Before you ask, make sure the student has a way to answer!
  • Locate potential answers on the student's AAC system first,so you can help them locate their choices, if they need help

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