Printed Core Boards are tools that we add to the classroom to allow all students access to these POWER WORDS in the classroom. But they aren't just for students!! Core words should be part of the language that the adults in the classroom use too. We need to be bilingual- verbal speech and visual speech. Aided language input is the term we use to describe teachers using symbols to talk with their students. Teachers point to, show and give students symbols which emphasize what they are saying. For example a teacher may say, "We are GOing to the media center today" while pointing out the symbol "GO."
Core vocabulary words are the most frequently used words in the English language. They include between 200-400 words which make up approximately 80% of what we say in a day. We use core vocabulary symbols for the same reason we use sight word instruction, because these words, when mastered, allow for effective communication across environments and activities. Understanding and use of these words greatly impacts our fluency in reading, writing, listening and speaking; all the components of communication!
IMPORTANT: It is important that you model the use of these words in functional situations during your school day. By design, core words are abstract and generalizable across all activities of the day.
You may use isolated, direct instruction to teach the name of the symbol, and some basic uses of it through books and worksheets BUT, these words can be very difficult to learn if they are never taught in meaningful activities. Students learn the meaning of these words through experience, observation and use during real communication. As you get started teaching core vocabulary words, consider targeting a small number of these words each day/week/month. This will help you isolate the instruction to make it easier for your students. It will also help YOU think about when and how to use these words for real purposes in your classroom! Next, go back and revisit the core words you've already taught during the week/month/year. That repetition is what "cements" the knowledge for your students. You'll want to revisit these words regularly throughout the year. If you need materials, take a look at our All Year With Core and More Series or some of the online materials listed below!