Classroom Toolbox Training

The Classroom Toolbox is a virtual toolbox of resources to help teachers provide adapted communication supports to students in their classrooms. In here you'll find the Classroom Communication Supports Checklist to help you determine what supports you already have in place, ones you have but aren't using, and ones you are interested in exploring. For every communication support, there's a learning module to explore, with photos, descriptions, components, links to comprehensive resources and curated YouTube videos. These modules will help you confidently increase the communication supports for your students!

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Building the Communication Classroom Series

  • Getting Oriented (3 lessons)​
  • Present Level of Performance: How do my students communicate? (3 lessons)​
  • Can You Hear Me Now?   Classroom Routines, Expectations & Visual Supports (7 lessons)​
  • Simple Communication Systems: Light Tech (5 lessons)​
  • Embedding Communication Into Your Classroom (5 lessons)​
  • IEP Time! Progress, Present Levels and Goals (2 lessons)​
  • AAC 101: Simple Steps for Student Communication​
  • The Core Word Classroom​

There is a wealth of information and materials for you on our website, so you may be asking yourself, "Where in the world do I start?" No worries, we've got you! This is the first stop in your training! In this unit we will be answering some primary questions to get you started!

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Starting Young: Communication in Early Intervention & the Preschool Classroom

Our specialized training hub dedicated to supporting communication success in Early Intervention in the home and our preschool classrooms

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Communication Systems Series

  • Getting Started with a New Communication System (3 lessons)​
  • Understanding Robust AAC Systems (3 lessons)​
  • AAC Feature Considerations (5 lessons)​
  • Speech Generating Devices & Applications (3 lessons) ​

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Partner Strategy Kits

  • Interaction Strategies (3 lessons)​
  • AAC Access (3 lessons)​
  • Engagement (3 lessons)​
  • Language Support Strategies (5 lessons)​

Partner Strategy Kits

AAC Partner Strategy Kits are engaging posters/handouts, descriptions and short videos explaining and modeling techniques for you to use to help your student be willing, and able to communicate using their AAC system!

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AAC Assessment Series

  • Communication Matrix:  Forms & Functions​
  • Student Communication Goals Grid​
  • Every Move Counts, Clicks & Chats: Motivators, Sensory Needs, Forms & Functions​
  • Communication Sample & Analysis​
  • Dynamic AAC Goals Grid (DAGG)​
  • AAC Evaluation Genie Training​
  • AAC Communication Skills Assessment-2​
  • Dynamic AAC Advanced Consultation FORM​
  • Team & Family Involvement

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DTA Schools Evaluation and Funding

  • DTA Schools Process Introduction​
  • DTA Schools Referral & Records Review​
  • DTA Schools Dynamic AAC Assessment & Trials Process​
  • AAC Funding Sources​
  • SGD Evaluation Report Writing​
  • Working with SGD Manufacturers
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Empowering Families: AAC At Home

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High Frequency Core Words & Messages

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AAC 101

5 steps to move from training to talking, give you a clear path for you and your student learner. Learning to communicate is a shared journey between the learner and their partners, and that makes sense! Communication is a shared activity between two people. It is the means for us to make connections, meet our needs, engage socially, participate in shared experiences, and bridge the gap between our experiences and sharing these their partners.

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AAC Partner Strategies Training


Communication is a dynamic process, between at least 2 people.  It requires us to not only teach our students news skills, but also to learn new skills ourselves! There are years of research on the need for partners to people who use augmentative communication (AAC) to have knowledge around best practices in encouraging interaction with students who use AAC.  To this end, we are creating materials and webinars, as well as conducting trainings to help partners of AAC users hone their skills. We have also curated a variety of materials from all the wonderful specialists out in the world who are also developing and sharing their resources!  

Partner Strategy Kits

Following this training, you'll find 14 trainings designed to give you specific technique you can use to help your student build a desire to communicate with you and everyone else! Our Partner Strategy Kits are a great place to begin helping your students become engaged communicators!

Aided Language Input

Aided Language Input is one of the most highly researched methods of helping our students learn how their behaviors are meaningful for communication, how to use their own AAC system, and to advance their language skills for communication.  Aided Language Input is “a communication strategy that requires a communication partner to teach symbol meaning and model symbolic communication by pairing speech with graphic symbols or other forms of aided augmentative and alternative communication (AAC).” There is a substantial research supporting the use of Aided Language Input to improve the student’s understanding that their behaviors are communicative, that symbols allow them to communicate with a larger audience and,  improve overall language development through expanding messages. Project Core, “Research Specific to: Aided Language Input”

Development Resources

Aided Language Input Partner Training Plan- DTA Schools Original

This is a PLAN to begin increasing the comfort level of adult partners learning to use their student's AAC system for modeling and teaching.  We start with a single target word/message and practice for 15 minutes, 3x/week for 2 weeks.  For facilitators (AT Specialist, classroom teacher, SLP) there are planning sheets with a simple lesson plan to help you get started.  This program is designed to be accomplished in 3 weeks, with the end goal of increasing adult partner's comfort touching the AAC systems and systematically increasing the number of times they model communication for their student. You'll find this resource linked below!

Learning Resources:

DTA Schools Partner Strategies Webinars

Key Partner Communication Supports for AAC

In this video we are exploring "how to talk so students will listen and how to listen so students will talk"- AAC Style! These are strategies that WE can use to encourage our students to communicate with us (speaking AND non-speaking students)! We are concentrating on helping build confidence and eagerness to communicate in all of our students!  After you watch the webinar, click the "get credit!" button to take the short quiz  and earn a certificate for continuing education maintenance hours. (ASHA CMHs or for proof of attendance)


AAC Partner Strategies:  SMORRES & Supports

In this video we are exploring Aided Language Input strategies to encourage our students to use their AAC systems for a variety of communication purposes.  We will look at Senner & Baud's SMORRES acronym to help us remember all our AAC partner strategies!​

Webinars & Videos on Partner Strategies: Jill Senner & Matthew Baud

Talking With Tech

Interviews Jill Senner and Matthew Baud researchers on the forefront of AAC Partner Strategies training

AAC In the Cloud Conference: ​SMoRRES and Partner-Augmented Input -- Keys to Successful Modeling, Senner & Baud, 2019

Webinars & Videos on Partner Strategies: Tabi Jones Wohleber

Talking with Tech interviews Tabi Jones Wohleber

On her Model as a MASTERPAL framework

Tabi Jones Wohleber has developed a wonderful set of training resources she freely offers to help AAC partners learn key strategies for encouraging communication from their students. Her entire series is published on PrAACtical AAC Website.  Sit back because this one is chock full of ideas and resources!

PrAACtical AAC Website


Next lesson:

Modeling AAC: Aided Language Input



AAC Partner Strategies Training

Communication is a dynamic process, between at least 2 people.  It requires us to not only teach our students news skills, but also to learn new skills ourselves!

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Modeling AAC: Aided Language Input

When a communication partner is speaking, the words are also "modeled" or shown using the AAC system.

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Expectant Pause Strategy

Is it really as simple and being quiet and listening?  Yes!  Sometimes just waiting 10-15 seconds is all it takes to encourage our student to begin to use their AAC system to tell us something!

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Consistent Access to AAC

Keeping the AAC system available at all times is the very first step in making AAC work for your student!

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Student Engagement Strategy

When we are teaching students to communicate, we must ensure that they are interested and engaged so that they will attend, learn and remember how to say what they want to say, when they want to say it!

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Respect & Reflect

The easiest words and messages to learn, are ones you are already communicating in other ways! Let's look at how we can target meaningful messages by following our student's lead!

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Role of Motivation

When we consider the process of teaching new skills and language to our AAC users, it is imperative that we remember the role of motivation and fun when teaching. If the student is motivated by a favorite activity, person or toy, they will be much more likely to learn and ENJOY learning! Effective and efficient with a side dish of FUN!

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Repetition with Variety

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Expansion Strategy

The expansion strategy is a way to help bridge the student's learning, from single word messages to multiple word messages.

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AAC Generalization

In this video, Danielle Brown delves into essential concepts and strategies for augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) generalization. It highlights the importance of applying AAC skills across diverse settings and with various partners, providing practical examples and techniques to enhance communication competence and improve the quality of life for AAC users.

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Communication Temptations

How do you encourage spontaneous communication?  Sometimes it’s as simple as setting up a situation that gives your student an interesting reason to communicate!

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Beyond Yes and No

It’s very easy to get caught in the habit of asking questions that only require a “yes” or “no” response when you are talking to your student using AAC. Let's talk about that!

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AAC Momentum Strategy

In this video, Danielle Brown delves into essential concepts and strategies for augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) generalization. It highlights the importance of applying AAC skills across diverse settings and with various partners, providing practical examples and techniques to enhance communication competence and improve the quality of life for AAC users.

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Descriptive Teaching Strategy

The Descriptive Teaching Model is a strategy that teaches students to use high-frequency, common words rather than more rarely used words.

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Joint Action Routines

Join us in exploring the impactful world of Joint Action Routines (JARs) within Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). This video delves into the essential role of JARs, structured and predictable sequences that facilitate meaningful interactions and enhance learning through repeated practice. Discover why these routines are crucial in providing a consistent context that reduces anxiety and boosts confidence for AAC users.

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